2 Ways to Ask “Why?” in Twi

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Thus far in the TWI QUESTION WORDS series, we have looked at:

The present lesson is the fourth in the series. We are looking at two ways to ask “Why?” in Twi.

If you need help with pronunciation, please watch the embedded video lesson below.

Video Lesson

Two Ways to Ask “Why?” in Twi

adɛn?why?adɛn na worehwɛ me saa?
why are you looking at me like that?

worebɔ wa dodo, adɛn?
you are coughing too much, why?
deɛn nti?why?
(because of what?)
deɛn nti na woforoo dua no?
why did you climb the tree?

deɛn nti na Kofi ne Ama awareɛ no guiɛ?
why did Kofi and Ama’s marriage dissolve?


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Picture of Yaw
STEPHEN AWIBA, known by his students as YAW, is the founding editor of LEARNAKAN.COM and LEARNAKANDICTIONARY.COM. He was born and raised in Kumasi, the Ashanti regional capital of Ghana, where Akan (Asante Twi) is spoken as the first language. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Linguistics and Theatre Arts from the University of Ghana and an MPhil in English Linguistics and Language Acquisition from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).


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Who? Whom? Whose? in Twi

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